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AWOC zooming into Devon

Great to be invited by Kirsty to take part in an online workshop (23.7.20) for older people in Devon with a view to setting up an AWOC local group there. Here is my slide presentation on how AWOC York started in January 2016 and how we have continued on a monthly basis with speakers on a wide variety of subjects ever since:

I also mentioned our Real People Theatre show, NO KIDDING?, and how we had toured with extracts, spreading the word about ageing without children around the north.

Then Kirsty organised breakout groups for people to discuss the way forward in Devon. We finished by getting together, sharing ideas and planning the next steps.

A very useful workshop for anyone interested in starting a local AWOC group. Please get in touch to discuss possibilities: Sue Lister 01904 488870 or Kirsty at

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